Life In The Slow Lane...
My photo
San Diego, CA, United States
This is a commentary about the slow lane, about the slowing of time since I suffered a severe brain injury while skateboarding with my dog. This is a blog about recovery; about our '82 VW Westfalia. It's about writing, surfing, camping, married life, bleeding ulcers that make you feel old at 32; about family, friends, and my dog Artie; it's about cruising in fourth gear, getting passed by every car and learning to appreciate every second of it.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Two Pills Are Better Than One

Hello friends. It's been a long time since visiting this website; a much needed break from what seemed like posting my every complaint. That said, I'm ready to be get back to spilling my guts again very soon. I will start with a quick update: A lot has happened over the past months. We have traveled, been working, I spoke to a family member who I'd had a falling out with shortly after my accident, and been trying to move forward and live a proper life. Things are better, however, they started improving shortly after I started taking my second anti-depressant. As sad as it is to say, I believe I have found my cocktail of choice. I say it is sad because I've never taken prescription meds before, probably wouldn't have hurt, but never thought it was a priority. I started back on the Lexapro, in addition to Wellbutrin, a few months back. Things weren't going so well for me before doing so. I found myself withdrawing even more than before. I wouldn't return calls. Everything was a chore, a chore that I didn't want to take on. I grew sick of daily fights with fatigue. Those things, plus my temper began to grow as well. Good news about that was most times I would be able to focus my rage on myself and not by yelling at others, or punching walls or other inanimate objects. The most disturbing thing, looking back, was the depression wasn't a good depression. I wasn't sitting around listening to sad music and writing like I had done before. This depression was void of emotion, void of thought. It was too powerful to get through, and too strong to push passed. Since being on the two happy pills, these issues have pretty much disappeared, thus the contact with some of my family and thus the decision to click on this blog again. I'm just now starting to feel normal again, though still hope the day comes when I no longer fear being off medication. One thing I do know if that time is not know. For now, those pills are the only things that are keeping my head above water. I hope this blog will help just like it always has in the past!


  1. Look forward to reading more!

  2. Whatever it takes to make you feel better is what you need to do....glad it's working for you, take care, Kate

  3. Keep writing, dude.

  4. I may not have gone through what you have gone through but I have met with Death and somehow managed to escape it. I have a medical condition which I have to live with (for the remaining of my life), and yes, I agree there are days, weeks and sometimes even months, where I withdraw and I don't feel like fighting. The fatigue being too great. I don't feel like answering the phone or meet with anyone. I don't feel like waking up. And yet I have to go one because I have a son who is 7-years old.

    Writing has saved my soul from many demons.

    Keep one fighting and writing. I wish you all the best in life!


  5. have you been? You haven't posted in awhile. Hope you're doing ok, Kate

  6. Fascinating......would love to hear more. I am an epileptic, and so much of what you write about is SO familiar to my own somewhat compromised brain. Please write again on the blog! Denise

  7. very nice blog!! All the best for your future.. :)

  8. I hate prescription drugs, I only take one and th at's for my Bipolar.

  9. Hey there,
    I suppose commenting may not do much, as it appears you haven't posted in a while, but I think that your writing is very interesting. You sound like a positive person, and that's really hard to find.
    Depression itself is a kind of void. It doesn't accomplish anything good, but it still happens, and it's scary. I'm very sorry that you've had to experience this. But, I believe a blog will help you in talking out your fears and worries. Just please, don't let fear keep you from asking the important questions, and don't be too discouraged to keep looking for answers. Because there is a lot of hope out there, it just takes searching in the right places. Don't be afraid.

  10. I know you stopped posting a long time ago, but I often wonder how you're doing. I had a head injury too and even though we never met, reading your posts made me feel like I had a friend somewhere.....I hope you are doing okay, all the best, Kate
